WARNING: This video will hit you right in the feels, hard! This poor rottweiler named Brutus woke to find his brother Hank had passed during the night. His sorrowful look, tears and refusal to leave his brother show just how deeply dogs love. It's hard to watch and to listen to the owner try and comfort him.

We can all learn something of humanity and loyalty from these incredible creatures. To say and think dogs or really any animal doesn't feel or have the same emotional make up as humans is false. One look at this video should prove that!

I'm especially fond of rottweilers, the first dog I ever owned was a rottweiler named Onyx. She was one of a kind and the best dog I ever had. She lived to the ripe old age of 10 which is pretty old for the breed. I'll never own another rottweiler, she spoiled me on that. For some reason it just wouldn't feel right.

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