Upon hearing the news that U.S. Navy Seals killed Osama bin Laden, Americans celebrated at Ground Zero, in front of the White House and at baseball games, but as time passes, some are questioning if such celebrations were appropriate.

The Vatican released a statement calling for "reflection not rejoicing" and on Facebook a quote about not rejoicing the death of an enemy, wrongly attributed to Martin Luther King Junior, went viral as a status update.

On Salon.com, author David Sirota also called for a more muted response. Sirota wrote, "This is bin Laden's lamentable victory: He has changed America's psyche from one that saw violence as a regrettable-if-sometimes-necessary act into one that finds orgasmic euphoria in news of bloodshed."

One t-shirt being sold for $22 shows a photo of President Barack Obama and under it the words:  "Sorry it took so long to get you a copy of my birth certificate.  I was too busy killing Osama bin Laden."

At Ground Zero vendors rushed within hours of the news to sell small American flags, at $3 a piece, to members of the euphoric crowd cheering bin Laden's demise.

So, were the celebrations in the wake of Osama bin Laden's death appropriate or over the top?

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