There's not a whole lot going on in this town at any given time, but I do look forward to our huge ass garage sale each year. Mainly, because I can sniff out the awesome stuff.

It's like a bachelors menagerie of decorative items stuffed inside the Great Plains Coliseum. From original vinyl to beer advertising goods. All of it up for grabs, and every single person is willing to bid and barter with you to agree on a price.

Last year, I scored an old Texaco sign. Naturally, it hangs in my main hallway at Casa de la Kelso. But beyond that, a lot of my home decor was picked up over a decade of this event. There's always that one item that you have to have.

This year, it's a pair of mounted long horns. The price they sit at now is a little too steep, but as closing time rolls around tomorrow, I know they'll go low on the best offer. I just have to be the best offer. It's that simple.

If you're not a bartering personality, get some practice. It only costs two bucks to get in, and you can walk around for a bit. Today is pretty low-key, and will be until traffic picks up in a few hours. Until then, every little cherry is begging to be picked. Handle it.

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