It's not exactly the right or sane thing to do, but when you have a big black bear in your yard and want it to leave, you could pull out the camera and attempt to harass it into leaving the property. That's what one man did when he came home to discover a bear in his backyard. This could have easily ended up on 'When Animals Attack'. Luckily this guy's plan worked, more often than not though when someone treats real wildlife like they resemble a Disney film they end up mauled, mangled and partially eaten.

While it's not a good ideal to harass a black bear, the results of this particular encounter are hilarious! I love how he talks to the bear, "Hey bear, what's up bear, are you gonna eat me bear?" This guy is either incredibly stupid, drunk or both. He risked life threatening injuries, serve bodily harm and even death in the making of this video. The least we can do is watch it!

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