As the future of AP courses in Oklahoma becomes increasingly dim, there are still loud voices fighting for education. This will be an uphill battle for legislators.

The bill that got this entire ordeal started was HB 1380. Much of which is covered in here.

If you read the bill, and compare the terminology to the records of the politicians who authored it, it's very unclear what the goal of this legislation is.

Some citizens are throwing serious accusations too. Saying the politicians who wrote the bill are trying to sensor American history. Restricting educators to only pro-American history and examples of American wins worldwide... but those aren't my words.

Personally, I can see this as an attempt to further break the federal molds... ei- Oklahoma isn't full of Common Core and No Child Left Behind programs... Not because they weren't good intentioned programs, they were. But like most anything the government comes up with, they don't work how their designed.

Regardless, now you have a voice in the matter. You can, or choose not to, sign the petition at

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