
Are you Bert or Ernie – Explaining the Muppet Theory
Are you Bert or Ernie – Explaining the Muppet Theory
Are you Bert or Ernie – Explaining the Muppet Theory
You may have been compared to several things throughout your lifetime, but how about a Muppet? You know, the Bert’s vs the Ernie’s, and the Cookie Monster’s vs the Kermit’s? Sound a little strange? Read on to find out which Muppet personality you encompass!
Amazing Six-Year-Old Boy With Autism Plays Billy Joel, Coldplay and More
Amazing Six-Year-Old Boy With Autism Plays Billy Joel, Coldplay and More
Amazing Six-Year-Old Boy With Autism Plays Billy Joel, Coldplay and More
It’s always exciting to see a young prodigy rock out on a musical instrument (especially since we can barely carry a tune ourselves). But six-year-old pianist Ethan Walmark is all the more impressive since he has Autism Spectrum Disorder and has been playing songs by ear since the tender age of four.
Kids Are Afraid of the Easter Bunny! [VIDEO]
Kids Are Afraid of the Easter Bunny! [VIDEO]
Kids Are Afraid of the Easter Bunny! [VIDEO]
There is nothing more terrifying then the site of a big fluffy bunny to the children in these videos. I felt bad at one point because we were LOLing so hard while the poor little kiddos were screaming mad! Get in on the fun times and Watch the Hilarious Videos!
Kid Gets Unneeded Help From Mom[VIDEO]
Kid Gets Unneeded Help From Mom[VIDEO]
Kid Gets Unneeded Help From Mom[VIDEO]
So imagine you are out in the park on a bring sunny day and you are just enjoying the day and kicking the soccer ball around and having a blast, when mom decides the she wants to give you some help and  play too. Well that is just what happened to this little guy in the video and with mom's unneeded help there is a hilarious outcome.
11 Adorable Kids Experiencing First Love for Valentine’s Day
11 Adorable Kids Experiencing First Love for Valentine’s Day
11 Adorable Kids Experiencing First Love for Valentine’s Day
We usually think that kids are too young to understand our grown-up versions of love. In fact, many would argue a person doesn’t fully understand love well into adulthood. But, as proved by adorable kids on YouTube, the innocence and sincerity of those first inklings of love can be the sweetest and most endearing of all.
Father Teaches Daughter A Lesson After Disrespectful Facebook Post [VIDEO] [LANGUAGE]
Father Teaches Daughter A Lesson After Disrespectful Facebook Post [VIDEO] [LANGUAGE]
Father Teaches Daughter A Lesson After Disrespectful Facebook Post [VIDEO] [LANGUAGE]
Kids this video should serve as a lesson to you and your habit of posting something on Facebook and thinking your parents will never see it. Here is a video of a father as he teaches his teen a lesson in tough love after her lengthy critique of her parents on Facebook.  SERIOUSLY KIDS WISE UP parents ALWAYS will find out!

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