
Dirty Harry…Potter is a Gun Filled Magical Adventure!
Dirty Harry…Potter is a Gun Filled Magical Adventure!
Dirty Harry…Potter is a Gun Filled Magical Adventure!
Hogwarts and hoglegs, it's the firearm filled magical adventure we've always wanted to see, Harry Potter with guns! Hit play and enjoy "Harry Potter and the Deathly Weapons." Dirty Harry Potter just makes sense, after all who hasn't thought to themselves that the only thing missing from the series was guns.
Advertisers Exploiting the Protests and Riots to Sell Their Products
Advertisers Exploiting the Protests and Riots to Sell Their Products
Advertisers Exploiting the Protests and Riots to Sell Their Products
Well here we go again. As if all the COVID-19 pandemic related adds with all their nauseatingly cliche phrases and keywords weren't enough. Now we can add to the list all the advertisers and brands who are using the recent protests and riots to help sell their products.
Every Commercial Is Exactly The Same Now
Every Commercial Is Exactly The Same Now
Every Commercial Is Exactly The Same Now
It can't just be me, surely everyone else has noticed the over abundance of cliche phrases and keywords we keep hearing over and over in commercials. I think the only thing more annoying than the virus itself are these advertisements.
Skip Your Next Video Conference With the Coors Light Clone Machine
Skip Your Next Video Conference With the Coors Light Clone Machine
Skip Your Next Video Conference With the Coors Light Clone Machine
Coors Light has just mastered the art of combating Zoom Fatigue. Let's face it all these damn Zoom meetings and video conference calls are getting a little ridiculous. It looks like we have an all new and improved way of faking our presence on these video chats thanks to Coors Light.
Murf's Guns in Duncan, OK. Fires back at Facebook!
Murf's Guns in Duncan, OK. Fires back at Facebook!
Murf's Guns in Duncan, OK. Fires back at Facebook!
Murf's Guns in Duncan, OK. has fired back at Facebook's anti-Gun and ammo policies. They shot a promotional video for their Facebook page and it's going viral! It's hilarious and is taking the interwebs by storm!
Hands Down The Best Super Bowl Commercial!
Hands Down The Best Super Bowl Commercial!
Hands Down The Best Super Bowl Commercial!
This has to be one of the greatest local Super Bowl commercials ever done! A roofing company in Baton Rouge, LA. Geaux Roof brings back the memories of the Budweiser "Wazzup" commercial with mastery!

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