I have a friend in law enforcement here in Oklahoma that sends me quite a few tik toks and reels of some of the most concerning encounters. Usually the video is of a person being followed by someone they don't recognize and, luckily, never ends worse than the OP being severely shaken up.

Hopefully, you never end up in that kind of situation, but there are no gaurantees for anyone. Just in case, it's best to know what to look for if you think someone is following you.

1. They're Around You More Than Just A Few Times


One Quora user actually had a great method of deciding whether or not someone was following you:

  • One time=an accident
  • Two times=a coincidence
  • Three times=enemy action

If you run into someone a few times, usually it's coincidence. But if you notice that they're there wherever you go, there could be something more going on.

2. They Mimic What You Do

Copy Cat

An interesting way to tell if someone is following you is to see if they copy your movements. Do they stop when you stop? Do they follow you down the aisles?

Another Quora user made a comment about a tactic you can test to see for yourself if you have a stalker.

"If you are walking, stop suddenly, take out your phone as if someone is calling you. Reverse your direction while pretending to talk on the phone and walk about 100 meters back.



Take note of anyone who is stopped and appears to be randomly looking at something that is “out of place”.


Walk another 100 meters and suddenly reverse direction back to your original path. Take note if you notice the same person is loitering around as you pass."

-Gary Williston, Quora


3. They Try And Get Closer When You're Alone


This one can be a little tricky. If you notice that someone is hanging around in the back of the row, popping up on every other aisle, there's a good chance they're just waiting for an opportune moment.


It's best not to confront the people you suspect be following you, just in case they have a weapon or ill intentions. Instead, follow this list of things you should do if someone is following you.

And hopefully you stay safe, Oklahoma.

Oklahoma's Top-Ten Most Dangerous Cities

While some of Oklahoma's most dangerous cities may not be a total shocker, there are some real surprises on this Top Ten list.

Gallery Credit: Kelso

Oklahoma's Top 10 Most Dangerous & Deadly Animals

Oklahoma is well known for having some of the most dangerous and deadly wild animals to be found anywhere in the United States. The Sooner State is home to several species of wild animals that could quickly and easily harm or kill you. We have it all, from poisonous snakes and spiders to carnivorous predators and everything in between. You'll want to be aware and avoid these dangerous and deadly animals if at all possible. Most aren't looking to harm or kill you but if disturbed or agitated will absolutely attack.

Gallery Credit: Don "Critter" Brown

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