This is a bit of a shocker for the Lone Star State

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay
Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

Texas Can Do Better

Catch me among those people who love Texas but I'm not so blind to ignore a few problems we have around here. If we look to upgrade a few things than someday Texas will actually be as great as we feel it is. Heading our head in the sand and ignoring our problems just doesn't help.

The Bad News

One of the things you always hear about Texas is that "it's a great place to raise kids". Well, that may not be entirely true. I guess things may smooth out a bit as the kids get older, because a new survey says it's amongst the worst places to have a baby. This is some tough news to handle for a growing state.

Where We Placed

Texas takes 37th place in a "Best States To Have A Baby" survey, which means we'd be near the top if it was flipped upside down for a "Worst States To Have A Baby" survey. This Wallethub has three main metrics, "Health Care Rank", "Baby Friendliness" and "Family Friendliness". Of course these three areas are broken down by many sub-areas for a numerical total.

Where We Did Poorly

Texas especially tanked the "Health Care Rank" category by coming in 40th overall. Decent, but not great, scores in the other two areas were not enough to prop us up in this survey.  The news is even worse for our friends in New Mexico, who placed 48th overall in the survey.

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