A pool of mosquitoes collected in Wichita Falls has tested positive for West Nile Virus. 

The city sent a press release today stating the mosquito pool had been collected in central Wichita Falls (mosquito zone 22). However, you should take precautions against mosquito bites regardless of where you are. 

Mosquitoes can transmit West Nile Virus to humans. To better protect yourself from mosquito bites, the city recommends following these precautions:

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  1. Dump/Drain: Be sure to dump or drain and wipe the sides of containers (such as pet bowls, rain barrels, children’s toys, or tarps, etc.) that hold water. Mosquitoes start their life cycle in the water and many species lay their eggs above the waterline on the inside of containers, which is why it is important to wipe the sides.
  2. Deet: If you are going outside, wear an EPA approved insect repellent. Be sure to follow the label instructions on application and reapplication. Consult your pediatrician about what age it is appropriate to use an insect repellent on young children and what type they recommend.
  3. Dress: Wear long sleeves and long pants if you are going to be outside especially if you are doing an activity that will stir up mosquitoes resting in the grass such as yard work or outdoor sports.
  4. Dusk/Dawn and all Day: Mosquitoes are generally considered most active at dusk and dawn so when you are able to limit your outdoor activities at those times; however, you should follow proper mosquito precautions any time you are outdoors no matter what time of day

Contact your healthcare provider if you experience flu-like symptoms after being bitten by a mosquito.  

Learn more about West Nile Virus on the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website.

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