
Redneck Margaritas!
Redneck Margaritas!
Redneck Margaritas!
Behold one of, if not the greatest inventions of 2015 and we're just a few weeks into the new year! This guy and his friends are geniuses, they've created a monster redneck 10 gallon margarita machine using a plastic water cooler and garbage disposal PURE GENIUS! Once again redneck engineering gets the job done!
The United States Wants to Ban Boozehounds From UN Budget Meetings
The United States Wants to Ban Boozehounds From UN Budget Meetings
The United States Wants to Ban Boozehounds From UN Budget Meetings
Drunken diplomats could soon be banned from attending United Nations budget negotiation meetings. That’s because earlier this week, the United States put forth a proposal asking the committee to consider prohibiting lushes and boozehounds from disrupting negotiations held by the budget assembly.
Thanks, Science: Cutting Whiskey With Diet Soda Gets You Hammered
Thanks, Science: Cutting Whiskey With Diet Soda Gets You Hammered
Thanks, Science: Cutting Whiskey With Diet Soda Gets You Hammered
To the wild-eyed booze enthusiast, it is a sometimes-necessary evil to cut 80 proof whiskey with diet soda, to keep that girlish figure without having to throw your balls up over your shoulders and just do shots. Good news, friends -- it's also an efficient way to get tanked.

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