Do You Remember These 1984 Rock Radio Hits?Do You Remember These 1984 Rock Radio Hits?Some songs stand the test of time. Others remain behind in a certain time. These are the latter.Chad ChildersChad Childers
Big Albums Turning 40 in 2024Big Albums Turning 40 in 2024'Where's the beef?' Right here, as 1984 was stacked with great music.Chad ChildersChad Childers
A Who’s Who of Rock Singers Speak About Their Voices in New Book ‘The Singers Talk’A Who’s Who of Rock Singers Speak About Their Voices in New Book ‘The Singers Talk’Giving voice to their voices.Chad ChildersChad Childers
Hear ’80s Rock Hero Billy Squier’s First Rock Song in 30 Years, ‘Harder on a Woman’Hear ’80s Rock Hero Billy Squier’s First Rock Song in 30 Years, ‘Harder on a Woman’The singer had a 'Neil Young moment' that inspired the new song.Chad ChildersChad Childers
Rock Stars Celebrating Birthdays in MayRock Stars Celebrating Birthdays in MayMay the birthdays be filled with plenty of candles for these rock stars celebrating this month.Chad ChildersChad ChildersAlicia SelinAlicia Selin