
The Funniest Shock Collar Challenge Ever Captured On Video
The Funniest Shock Collar Challenge Ever Captured On Video
The Funniest Shock Collar Challenge Ever Captured On Video
It's the funniest shock collar challenge video I've ever seen. What's that, you don't know what the shock collar challenge is? Well let me explain. Basically you put on a dog shock collar crank it up and give the remote control to someone else. Then you hit the drive thru and try to order food while the other person hits the button shocking you.
Guy Dunks Head into Bucket of Urine for $450
Guy Dunks Head into Bucket of Urine for $450
Guy Dunks Head into Bucket of Urine for $450
If you know how to work the system, you can become a rich man pretty easily these days. Want a free iPhone? Just show off that teeny weeny of yours on a Danish porn site. What about an overpriced reptile? Down a few dozen roaches, avoid death, and BAM-- that $850 snake is yours. But for most of us, the whole “working the system” thing isn’t in the cards, because we’re dumb.