saturday night live

Comedy Superstar Jon Lovitz is Coming to Apache Casino Hotel on April Fools Day!
Comedy Superstar Jon Lovitz is Coming to Apache Casino Hotel on April Fools Day!
Comedy Superstar Jon Lovitz is Coming to Apache Casino Hotel on April Fools Day!
You've seen him in movies, television, and just about everywhere else and now you'll get to see him live and in person at Apache Casino Hotel. The one and only Jon Livitz is coming to town for one night and one night only. It's going to be an unforgettable evening with the man himself, you won't want to miss it!
Saturday Night Live Sends Message to The People of Paris [VIDEO]
Saturday Night Live Sends Message to The People of Paris [VIDEO]
Saturday Night Live Sends Message to The People of Paris [VIDEO]
For one of the few times in its 41 season history, Saturday Night Live kicked off an episode by straying from its normal comedic opening monologue or skit. Instead, the writers, producers and cast of the show decided to show its support for the city of Paris, the day after terrorist attacks killed 129.

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