A neuroscientist named Dr. Nas explained in an Instagram Reel why our brains love concerts so much, and how they respond to live music as opposed to recorded.
It's the question that's plagued mankind since the very beginning of large lead projectiles. Just how many pillows would it take to stop a 50 cal. bullet? Luckily for us we no longer have to fret over the answer thanks to YouTube channel Demolition Ranch.
If like myself you've been concerned about the COVID-19 pandemic. More specifically you've been wondering if all these face masks that we're now required to wear are actually working. Pondering the question "Are they effective at slowing or stopping the spread of Coronavirus?" Well we're about to find out!
Admit it. We've all used Google Earth to creep on ourselves. Zooming into our own homes to see what it looks like from above. No reason in particular besides a case of internet boredom, but we've all been there. I'll admit, back in spring, I decided to plant some crap in the back yard to make it more appealing to the old ball and chain, and she wanted tropical like one of the neighbors... So I sco
For the last twenty-four hours or so, all I've heard is how much the time change has affected everyone. It's time to set some records straight in a true "Let Me Google That For You" style. Here are the facts...