
What’s Your Favorite Way to Cook a Turkey?
What’s Your Favorite Way to Cook a Turkey?
What’s Your Favorite Way to Cook a Turkey?
We're getting closer to Thanksgiving. Hard to believe it'll be here this upcoming Thursday, the wait's almost over! So what is your all-time favorite way to cook a turkey? Take the quick poll and let us know. If you pick anything other than deep-fried YOU'RE WRONG!
What’s Your Favorite Food on the Menu at Thanksgiving?
What’s Your Favorite Food on the Menu at Thanksgiving?
What’s Your Favorite Food on the Menu at Thanksgiving?
It's almost here, we're only a few short weeks away from Thanksgiving. Hard to believe, not this Thursday but next Thursday we'll be sitting down and feasting on turkey and all the trimmings. So what's your favorite food on the menu?
The First Fried Turkey of the Season!
The First Fried Turkey of the Season!
The First Fried Turkey of the Season!
Now it's feeling and smelling like Thanksgiving. I just fried my first turkey of the year so it's officially the beginnings of the Thanksgiving turkey frying season. I love this time of year and Thanksgiving is one of my all time favorite holidays.
Walmart Closed On Thanksgiving This Year
Walmart Closed On Thanksgiving This Year
Walmart Closed On Thanksgiving This Year
For the first time, maybe ever, Walmart will be closed on Thanksgiving day this year. I don't ever remember Walmart being closed on any other day than Christmas. This year the retail giant has decided to close it's doors and allow employees to spend time with their families.
The MOST EPIC Thanksgiving Dinner EVER [VIDEO]
The MOST EPIC Thanksgiving Dinner EVER [VIDEO]
The MOST EPIC Thanksgiving Dinner EVER [VIDEO]
Tired of just turkey for Thanksgiving? Why not try a bird in a bird in a bird in a bird in a bird in a pig! All that plus add a TON of bacon & you have without a doubt the MOST EPIC Thanksgiving meal EVER! Coming in at 72,186 calories & 6,451 grams of fat it's the TurBaconEpic! It's truly Epic Meal Time!

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