
12 Pairs of Animal Best Friends
12 Pairs of Animal Best Friends
12 Pairs of Animal Best Friends
We don't know what the weather's like where you are, but it is a chilly, grey, rainy Monday here, so we need this. In fact, even if it's totally gorgeous where you are, these pictures and GIFs of animal best buds is probably worth a look. First of all, they're really cute. Secondly, they'll probably cheer you up. Last, why wouldn't you want to see a seal cuddling a penguin?! Enjoy!
5 Reasons Not to Let a Friend Crash on Your Couch
5 Reasons Not to Let a Friend Crash on Your Couch
5 Reasons Not to Let a Friend Crash on Your Couch
Times are tough, folks. If our landlord suddenly decided to raise our rent or our student loans become unrelentingly high, we can only hope that our family and friends would swoop in to save the day; kind of like when we were children. Sadly, those days are long gone; but what about when we aren’t the ones in that position?
Can Being Friends with Your Husband’s Buddies Ruin His Sex Drive?
Can Being Friends with Your Husband’s Buddies Ruin His Sex Drive?
Can Being Friends with Your Husband’s Buddies Ruin His Sex Drive?
Seems there’s yet another front in the battle of the sexes. A new study conducted by Cornell University and the University of Chicago indicates that a wife who is too close with the male friends of her husband may be inadvertently undermining his masculinity, leading to elevated rates of erectile dysfunction.