
YouTubers Rap a Tribute to Steve Jobs in ‘We Are All Steve’ [VIDEO]
YouTubers Rap a Tribute to Steve Jobs in ‘We Are All Steve’ [VIDEO]
YouTubers Rap a Tribute to Steve Jobs in ‘We Are All Steve’ [VIDEO]
As we’re all sadly aware, Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple and the creator of iconic products like the iPhone, has been valiantly fighting cancer for years — and given his recent resignation as CEO of the company, he doesn’t appear to be winning. YouTubers Pantless Knights have put together a terrific tribute song, and the accompanying video features various people — and one Muppet — in Jobs’ trade
YouTube’s Pronunciation Manual Wants to Embarrass You [VIDEO]
YouTube’s Pronunciation Manual Wants to Embarrass You [VIDEO]
YouTube’s Pronunciation Manual Wants to Embarrass You [VIDEO]
If you saw the so-awful-it’s-sublime movie ‘Showgirls,’ you likely remember the scene in which someone compliments Nomi’s dress and she says, “Thanks! I bought it at Ver-sayce,” completely and embarrassingly butchering the pronunciation of designer label Versace. If you’d like to recreate that moment for yourself, the YouTube channel Pronunciation Manual is here to “help.”