Just imagine rippin' down the road in the Batmobile, better yet a street legal Batmobile! Well a guy in Australia made his childhood dreams come true by building the world's first  1989 street legal Batmobile. The replica is nearly an exact copy of the vehicle used in the 1989 Batman movie starring Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson. Next to the original T.V. version the 1989 Batmoblie is one of the most iconic vehicles ever created.

He can actually drive the car anywhere he wants. Imagine going on a beer run in the Batmobile! What's even better is he uses the car to help others. The builder and owner of the car Zac Mihajlovic has teamed up with the Make-A-Wish foundation to make the dreams of terminally ill children come true by giving them a ride in the Batmobile. More than that he dresses up as the Dark Knight and acts the part as well!

He's been offered tons of cash to sell the Batmobile, over six figures but refuses to sell. He wants to keep helping children and using the car to bring hope to others. This guy very well could be Batman!

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