
Boston Fishermen Lose Their Minds Over a Really Weird and Large Fish NSFW [VIDEO]
Boston Fishermen Lose Their Minds Over a Really Weird and Large Fish NSFW [VIDEO]
Boston Fishermen Lose Their Minds Over a Really Weird and Large Fish NSFW [VIDEO]
This has to be the funniest video I've seen all week. WARNING NSFW: there's lots of profanity so proceed with caution! A couple of fisherman from Boston are out on the boat for a day of beer drinkin' and fishin' when they come across a large and really weird looking fish. That's when things get interesting and hilarious!
Monster Catfish
Monster Catfish
Monster Catfish
A monster catch! A guy fishing the river Rhone in France caught an 8 foot, 250 pound catfish! It's a record and personal best for Yuri Grisendi. I wonder how long it took him to land it? This thing will feed a family for a long. long time. They'll get sick of catfish before the filets run out!
Fishing with Rockets on a Frozen Lake [VIDEO]
Fishing with Rockets on a Frozen Lake [VIDEO]
Fishing with Rockets on a Frozen Lake [VIDEO]
Every now and then you see something and say "Why didn't I think of that?" This is definitely one of those times! Some kids in Sweden were out on a frozen lake and one of them had a brilliant ideal. They shot rockets off underwater and under the ice creating an all new sport and pastime, rocket fishing!
Drunk Fishing Championship
Drunk Fishing Championship
Drunk Fishing Championship
Too drunk to fish? That's the point of this new sport, drunk fishing. It sounds Russian, if not it should be. If there was ever a sport in need of a world cup this is it!
Fishing Isn’t for Everyone, Especially These People [VIDEO]
Fishing Isn’t for Everyone, Especially These People [VIDEO]
Fishing Isn’t for Everyone, Especially These People [VIDEO]
Sometimes it's just easier to order a filet-o-fish at McDonald's! One thing I miss about Summer and the warmer weather is fishing, it's been said before "a bad day fishing still beats a good day at work". After seeing this video I'm not so sure.
Virginia Man Catches Scariest Fish Ever Seen
Virginia Man Catches Scariest Fish Ever Seen
Virginia Man Catches Scariest Fish Ever Seen
You know all those plans you had to go swimming this summer? Forget them. After you see the fish a Virginia man caught earlier this month, you're not even going to want to take a shower without a spear gun. Virginia fisherman Caleb Newton caught a three-foot-long, 17-pound, six-ounce Northern snakehead fish (also known as Frankenfish) in the Potomac River earlier this month...

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