
Here's How The Wealthiest People In Texas Got Rich
Here's How The Wealthiest People In Texas Got Rich
Here's How The Wealthiest People In Texas Got Rich
Although Texas isn’t the first thing to come to mind when you think about people with lots of money, there really are a lot of wealthy people here. From oil money to sports and even huge franchises, there are some big names in Texas with even bigger pocketbooks.
People Playing Rock, Paper Scissors During a Traffic Jam [VIDEO]
People Playing Rock, Paper Scissors During a Traffic Jam [VIDEO]
People Playing Rock, Paper Scissors During a Traffic Jam [VIDEO]
So you're stuck in traffic and there's nothing to do. WRONG! Why not play a game of "Rock, Paper Scissors" with your fellow motor enthusiasts? That's what these people did, making the best of a bad situation and killing some time in the process.
New Year Means Back To The Grinding Stone
New Year Means Back To The Grinding Stone
New Year Means Back To The Grinding Stone
Ok.  Tree is down, the outside decorations are away and now back to work.  What does this mean?  It means back to the grindstone of a job.  Weather it be "Bankers" hours or shift work or part time hours.  Which ever the case you may be in,  I hope you jump in with both feet and give 2011 and chance and who knows...