
Science is Sexy
Science is Sexy
Science is Sexy
This my friends is art. Glorious! Absolutely glorious! The internet Gods have smiled upon us this day and given us a beautiful video that's sure to stir the heart, mind, soul and loins! This video is the reason there's an internet and viral videos in the first place! In the past where could someone watch a hot chick get blasted in the butt with a gummy bear cannon? Even better in slow motion! Why?
Slo-Mo Bouncing Boobies! [VIDEO]
Slo-Mo Bouncing Boobies! [VIDEO]
Slo-Mo Bouncing Boobies! [VIDEO]
Two hot chicks, four large boobs and a lot of slo-mo bouncing, now that's entertainment! You deserve a break and it's a fact that starting at boobs is good for your health. It's been scientifically proven. What's that, don't believe me? I'm telling you it's the truth, plus after watching this video I feel pretty good, real good.
Hot Blonde Boxing in Slow Motion! [VIDEO]
Hot Blonde Boxing in Slow Motion! [VIDEO]
Hot Blonde Boxing in Slow Motion! [VIDEO]
A hot blond boxing in the gym, in slow motion! It's another brilliantly sexy commercial to promote Gonzo World TV and their Youtube channel. No matter how many times I see a slo-mo video of hot chicks bouncing around it never, ever gets old.