Charles Bramesco

The Best X-Rated Movies in History
Journey through the history of the best adult movies ever made.

Holiday Movies on Netflix: What to Watch When You’re Bored Out of Your Mind at Home With Your Family
Home with your family this Thanksgiving? Here’s the best stuff to watch on Netflix.

Extra Credit: Five Spinoffs to Stream After ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’
After Han Solo seizes his moment in the spotlight, stream these other movies about supporting characters taking the fore.

Extra Credit: Five Self-Aware Movies to Stream After ‘Deadpool 2’
After watching the Merc with a Mouth barrel through the fourth wall in ‘Deadpool 2,’ try some other self-aware films streaming online right now.

Rian Johnson Celebrates the End of ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ Post-Production With New Behind-the-Scenes Photo
Director Rian Johnson proudly announced on Instagram that the latest chapter of the space opera saga has been edited to completion.

Halle Berry Says Storm and Wolverine Were a Secret Couple in the X-Men Movies
While Rogue was busy getting crushed by crushes, some other X-Men were getting down to business.

Those ‘Justice League’ Reshoots Were Done to ‘Lighten Up’ the Tone of Cyborg
Productions go into reshoots for all sorts of reasons. The tooth-gnashing crowd’s favorite is that a movie has been ruled such an unmitigated disaster that the only recourse is to go back and fix it, attempting to wallpaper over the incompetence with fresh footage. But usually, the cause is more banal — such-and-such actor needs to pick up this teapot with his right hand, character X needs to be shown moving from Point A to Point B, and other matters of logistics. There was plenty of puzzling over what factors could compel the Justice League production to bring in Joss Whedon to shoot what is called “pick-up” after he wrapped up for a grief-stricken Zack Snyder, and a new interview with a cast member has shed a little light on the situation.

‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3’ Will Be the Last For the Current Lineup
Director James Gunn hinted that the cast list will change after the franchise’s third installment.

Edgar Wright Isn’t Big on Sequels, But Won’t Say ‘Never’ to a ‘Hot Fuzz 2’
In a few short weeks, the general public will get to lay eyes on Edgar Wright’s latest film Baby Driver, which, as has been made clear multiple times elsewhere on this very web site, is absurdly good. Like, unaccountably good. How is the movie so good? Explain yourself, Wright! While he has not yet owned up to whatever dark sorcery made his new film such a blast, Wright has been discussing plenty of other matters as he’s made the rounds on the interview circuit in support of Baby Driver. And the folks at Movie Web wanted the answer to one question in specific: where’s the man stand on sequels?

Spider-Man Hits the Bodega in His Latest Teaser
Spider-Man’s a true New Yorker: he understands when to take the 6 train versus rolling the dice on the 2nd Avenue subway, he knows where to get the Bronx’s best chopped cheese, and when he needs a snack in a pinch, he hits up his friendly neighborhood bodega. In the latest promotional spot for the umpteenth reboot Spider-Man: Homecoming, the web-head is late to a big NBA Finals watching party at Tony Stark’s place. (The commercial was written to air specifically during the basketball playoffs this year.) But when he ducks into a nearby bodega — for those uninitiated, it’s really just a corner convenience store, but immeasurably better in every way — he has a chance encounter.

No, ‘Transformers: The Last Knight’ Isn’t Three Hours Long
Our relatively brief national nightmare of the new Transformers movie being three hours long is over. It’s a small but curious story, yielding little more than a detail in terms of intel on Michael Bay’s latest film, but more telling with regards to how information is generated and spread online today.

George A. Romero Readying Another ‘Living Dead’ Zombie Movie
George A. Romero has fully laid claim to the dominion of all things Dead — whether that’s Night of the Living, Dawn of the, Day of the, Land of the, Diary of the, or Survival of the. The elder statesman of horror cinema has no intention of resting on his laurels, however. Perhaps riding the wave of renewed interest in Night of the Living Dead that accompanied its gorgeous restoration last year, Romero has announced plans for a new addition to the ever-expanding of the Dead universe. And it looks like his new breed of zombies have a need for speed.