Eyehategod frontman Mike IX Williams recently underwent a successful liver transplant, and is recovering well. As expected, Williams' surgery left him with significant medical bills to pay and a series of benefit shows were held in New Orleans over the weekend to help offset his costs.

Among the bands that performed were Superjoint, Crowbar, Goatwhore, Flesh Parade, Child Bite, Thou and Classhole. Eyehategod also played, using numerous guest vocalists. Check out fan-shot video of Philip Anselmo performing with them above, and Ben Falgoust of Goatwhore below.

The band posted their thanks for everyone's support on their Facebook page:

Thanks to all of our friends and fans that came out this past weekend for the IX LIVES IX LIVES FOR THE SICK benefit here in New Orleans. Words could not do justice in describing the outpouring of compassion and generosity for Mike and Michelle in this time of need, but i’ll try. In terms of being a benefit, we were able to raise over $20,000 after combining ticket sales, raffle money, and benefit merchandise! i don’t think any of us involved in putting this together anticipated this, so thank you all so much for making this a complete success.

Aside from being a benefit, it absolutely warms my heart to be a part of this true family we have as fans, friends, and bands. Not many other genres are so personally committed to looking after one another when things get rough, and the sense of community we have is something that has kept this music close to my heart for many years.

Thanks to Steve Joh of War Crime Recordings, Bruce Lamont, and Chad Padelford for all of their help in organizing prior to, and all through out the weekend; without them, i doubt things would have gone as smooth. Thanks to Matt Russell, and everyone at both Siberia and Poor Boys for showing us locals, and all of the folks from every corner of the globe, some genuine southern hospitality; and to Benny Hare and Yohei Yamada providing quality sound at the mixing board.

Thanks to Nate Burns of Revolting Worship for designing the poster, that also became the benefit shirt. Thanks to Barnaby Struve for helping me lug around 2 8x10 bass cabs, and 6 Mesa guitar cabs all weekend, and to Paul Webb, Grant Tom, and Aaron Hill for helping out with back line. Thanks to all of the bands: Crowbar, Goatwhore, Flesh Parade, Somethings Burning, Gristnam, Superjoint, Child Bite, Bower, Bruce Lamont, Fat Stupid Ugly People, Thou, Weather Warlock, Mountain of Wizard, Dummy Dumpster, Suplecs, the Pallbearers, Die Rottz (AND DAVE SLUT!!!), Class Hole, Lethal Aggression, and Recluse; that took time out of their tour schedules, or other obligations to make this festival the most significant gathering of bands from our humble town in years.

Thanks to Kate Richardson of Housecore Records for completely owning “Blank/lift,” and all of the other guest singers that made our set a blast: Philip H. Anselmo, Bruce Lamont, Hollise Murphy, Gary Wrong, Ben Falgoust, Shawn Knight, Ryan Mckern, and Zac Ohler. Thanks to Chris Caravello and Alex Batess for their help in promoting this and, well, making sure we have a website! Thanks to Brandon Lennert at Inferno Screen Printing for donating shirts for the benefit. Thanks to Dave and Liz Ciaravella-Brenner of Earsplit PR for making sure that everyone knew about this, and all things EHG.

Thanks to Billy Bones Baxley for providing us with 120 pounds of crawfish and fixings; completely amazing. Thanks to everyone that donated something to be raffled at the shows: Orange amplification, War Crime Recordings, Graveyard Rodeo, Magic pedals, Indie Merch, and Barnaby Struve. And most important, thanks to my wife Tomasa who stood at my side for 4 shows in 3 days…I love you. THANK YOU EVERYONE- gary

Williams is scheduled to make his return to the stage in April at the Berserker IV Festival in Michigan. The YouCaring page set up for Williams has raised nearly $75,000 of its $150,000 goal.

See Eyehategod Perform with Ben Falgoust

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