
Instagram Gets Video As Facebook Challenges Vine
Instagram Gets Video As Facebook Challenges Vine
Instagram Gets Video As Facebook Challenges Vine
If you have Instagram, check your updates in the app store because there is a new feature that might surprise you. If you weren't aware, Facebook owns Instagram; and to challenge the explosion of the popular video app that Twitter brought to the table with Vine, they did what seemed most logical. They brought video to Instagram.
Big Brother Is Watching!
Big Brother Is Watching!
Big Brother Is Watching!
The Obama administration is defending reports of a secret federal court order that granted the National Security Agency a warrant to compile information about every phone call conducted on Verizon's network. A White House spokesperson called the program a "critical tool" for protecting the country...
The Future Is Now — Star Trek Phasers Are Real
The Future Is Now — Star Trek Phasers Are Real
The Future Is Now — Star Trek Phasers Are Real
You know how sometimes you're walking through Times Square, and it reminds you a little too much of 'Blade Runner,' then you get an email on your hand-sized computer/phone, and you have a massive panic attack because THE FUTURE IS NOW?!!!!! This video does not help that feeling. At all.
AC/DC’s ‘T.N.T.’ Performed Live by Robot Band Compressorhead
AC/DC’s ‘T.N.T.’ Performed Live by Robot Band Compressorhead
AC/DC’s ‘T.N.T.’ Performed Live by Robot Band Compressorhead
Get ready to be both entertained and terrified for the eventual extinction of the human race at the hands of sophisticated musical robots. Have real-life engineers never seen the 'Terminator' flicks? Robot band Compressorhead recently performed the AC/DC classic 'T.N.T.' live on television, and the next step is likely world domination.

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