The City of Lawton will be reopening several of it's facilities, including City Hall, on Monday, February 15th (02-15-21) "President's Day." Most of the city's properties have been closed to the general public since late November due to the spike in positive cases of COVID-19 in S.W. Oklahoma.   

We're all looking forward to them reopening. It's been difficult over the past several months to conduct business with the city, not to mention utility payments and services. If you're the pay in person type you'll be able to resume doing that soon. Sure you can drop off a check or pay online, but a lot of people prefer to pay cash in person and get their receipt. Plus, if you pay online there's a service charge. It's around $2.00 or $3.00 bucks for the service. I don't think it charges you if you set up monthly auto-pay, but single payments done through the portal cost you a little extra.

Not only will the utility department in City Hall be reopened but the license and permit department will also be open for in person business and appointments. The Lawton Library will also reopen on (02-15-21). When entering any city property a face mask or covering must be worn, temperature checks may be performed at various locations and they may limit occupancy to ensure proper social distancing. We've all had to find new and different ways to get things done, conduct our business and pay bills over that past several months thanks to COVID-19. It'll be nice to have these facilities reopened and it should make things a little easier.

Below is the official press release about the reopening from the City of Lawton:


Here are some tips for self-care during the pandemic:


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