Please don’t shoot the messenger. 

We Texans are a proud bunch. We love our state and the towns we come from. If you’re looking for trouble, find a Texan and run down the Lone Star State or their hometown and wait and see what happens. 

Sure, the place we call home is far from perfect. But the vast majority of us wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.

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The thing is, I’m usually one to look at the bright side of things. I’m more likely to defend a place than trash it. 

That’s why I was hesitant to share the results of a study conducted by RoadSnacks. I’m not the type who looks for trouble, but I feel like folks need to know whether their city was ranked as the worst city to live in here in Texas. 

Researchers looked at data for the 342 most populous cities to determine which were the worst to live in 2024. They compared the cities based on the average home price, median income, unemployment rate, and crime per capita. 

My issue with the study is that it’s all based on data. The numbers don’t always tell the entire story. The town could very well be a great place to live, it just might happen that the numbers aren’t in their favor. 

So, it pains me to share with the residents of Hutchins that the study found their town to be the so-called worst place in Texas.

Top Ten Texas Cities Voted Most Pretentious

In the big state of Texas, where things often seem bigger and grander, you'll find many cities, each with its own special vibe. But amidst the bright lights and wide-open spaces, there are a few cities that really try to impress you. Below are the most pretentious cities in Texas as voted on by Reddit users. We've included some of the best quotes from these Redditors below each city name. Who will be #1? Scroll to see!

Gallery Credit: Eric Ryan/Townsquare Media

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Gallery Credit: Stryker

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