Oklahoma Tax Free Weekend Starts Friday, August 4
It's that time of year again, Oklahoma Tax Free Weekend! This means that the summer holiday is almost over and kids and teachers will soon be going back to school. Oklahoma Tax Free Weekend will take place August 4-6, and it's a great time to do your family's back to school shopping.

Oklahoma Tax Free Weekend, or Oklahoma Sales Tax Holiday, always takes place the first Friday through Sunday in August. But not everything is tax free during this weekend. Here's what's tax free according to oklahoma.gov:
Sales of any article of clothing or footwear designed to be worn on or about the human body and the sales price of the article is less than one hundred dollars ($100) are exempt.
For Oklahoma Tax Free Weekend, you can do it old school and actually go to a store or a mall to go shopping. But Oklahoma Tax Free Weekend also applies to shopping online. And, apparently, catalogs?
Side note: If you still shop via a catalog, please message us on our app. We'd like to know how you're doing it, what catalog you're using and why. Especially why. We're not hating on catalog shopping! We're genuinely curious. I can't remember the last time I shopped from a catalog.

I remember back to school shopping with my kids. It's both fun and exhausting, especially tax free weekend. So I'm glad that I can enjoy Oklahoma Tax Free Weekend from the comfort of my home, online shopping like I do all the time, but on August 4-6, it'll be tax free!