As technology continues to evolve, it somehow remains the same. At least that's true of how we consume television these days.

The days of cable boxes and DVRs are gone. Or, at least, they should be. Cable and satellite television costs so much more than getting your entertainment straight from massive multi-media streaming companies like Hulu, YouTube, Philo, etc...

How companies like Dish and DirecTV manage to honey-pot customers into service these days, I'll never understand. Same-same for local television providers, especially considering how premium channels continue to disappear in lieu of channels you could get for free with an antenna.

Full disclosure, I put an antenna on my house in 2019. I figured it was a cheap enough option to try to save a little entertainment money each month. What I didn't foresee was how instantly I ditched all the pay-for-streaming options altogether.

One might imagine that antenna TV is the same now as it used to be... We have four major networks within our viewing area, so there are only four channels on the antenna, right?


An old TV with a monochrome kinescope on wooden table. 3d

While that's how it worked long ago, the technology has grown similar to radio. We used to broadcast just one station, but HD radio allows multiple stations to be broadcast from a single source. That's how modern over-the-air TV works.

For example, in Lawton, you'll get KFDX, but you also get a handful of other channels on the same signal. The same goes for KSWO, KJTL, and KAUZ-sort of...

KAUZ has been virtually unwatchable this far from WFalls. Considering their tower is closer to Lawton than other WFalls channels, there's no telling what the problem is with their network and as long as it has been happening, I wouldn't suspect they're looking too hard into a fix.

Between our four major networks and PBS, you can expect to get 30-ish total channels here in Lawton, Oklahoma. Some of them you'll never watch, others you won't ever turn off. I leave my TV on the 90s-sitcom channel most of the time because Home Improvement is still hilarious thirty years later.

If you'd like to expand your entertainment on the cheap, here's what worked for me.

I used a standard amplified antenna for a few months when I first cut the cords. They're inexpensive and effective, but the all-aluminum and plastic construction meant it didn't last long in the Oklahoma wind. Still, a cheap dip of your toes...

When I realized that most of the free programming on the antenna is exactly the same as what I'd been paying the cable company for, I decided to upgrade to something a little more stout and reliable. I got four years out of an antenna like this before a hail storm destroyed it.

The only hitch I had was actually getting the signal to my TVs. Most homes have old coax cable and antenna signals don't respond well to splitting off to multiple TVs. Luckily they have a digital tool for that.

Here's a box that works by taking your antenna feed and puts it on your wifi. You just need to download the app to your smart tv or Firestick/Roku/etc to get that full-strength signal to every TV in the home. Since we don't watch more than two TVs at once, I purchased the 2-feed box, but they have models that allow more multiple streams at the same time.

Easy peasy.

I still have internet, but the antenna streaming option works without it off any old wifi router you may have laying around.

Will you get the better OKC channels? Eh... It really depends on where you're at.

We don't get them very well in Lawton, but with a pricier and higher-powered antenna, my neighbor has no problem reaching OKC. All the same, my cousin in Hollis (90 miles West of Lawton) gets OKC channels on the rural OK repeaters just fine. I'm sure it's similar across the state. Those in Southern OK probably get more Dallas channels, Western OK probably get Amarilla, OKC, Tulsa, etc...

Is it right for you? I don't know. I just know it was right for me, and as it seems a pretty common question on Lawton's social media pages, I figured I'd at least share my experience with free TV so far.

Do Not Leave These Things in Your Hot Car in Oklahoma

While you would expect most of this to be common sense and general knowledge, you'd be amazed how many people found out the hard way there are some things you should never leave in a hot vehicle. Since we're knee-deep into another hot Oklahoma summer, it's worth mentioning to those who don't know.

Faxon, Oklahoma's Windowless 'Vampire' Bandominium

Taking the 'barndominium' idea to the extreme, this is literally a barn that was turned into a home down in Faxon, Oklahoma.

Oddly enough, as countryfied and rustic as it looks on the inside, I looked through the pictures at least twice before realizing there were no windows throughout the place. Given the shape of the structure, I can't imagine how expensive it would be to retrofit windows if you could even find a contractor willing to attempt it.

If you were curious what $525,000 could buy you in the middle of nowhere, this is it. See the full details on the Zillow listing.

Million Dollar Castle For Sale In Edmond, Oklahoma

When people have the opportunity to build their dream home, they can sometimes bend the lines between tasteful and tacky to fit personal tastes. Some see it one way, others the complete opposite. When it came to building this Edmond home, the owners went all-in on their attempt to build a modern-day Oklahoma castle.

You have to see the game room and outdoor entertaining space. Definite standouts.

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