‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Has Sparked Popularity in Baby Names Kylo and Rey
Star Wars: The Force Awakens had a lasting impact on pop culture in many ways. And now, according to a new report, it also has had an impact on family culture as well. In the months since The Force Awakens opened in theaters babies named Kylo and Rey have spiked dramatically, leaving us all to wonder, What kind of father would name his son Kylo?!
According to BabyCenter, Star Wars: The Force Awakens baby names are now “officially a huge, hot trend.” As hot as the crossblade lightsaber Kylo Ren used to kill his father? Kylo has jumped from #3,774 to #1,165 on the BabyCenter charts of baby names while Rey has made an even more impressive leap from #14,172 in 2015 to #2,784. People are even naming their kids Jedi (#3,392) and Rogue (#2,089) in anticipation of Star Wars: Rogue One. Those are some dedicated fans.
Rey is a pretty adorable name and certainly could inspire parents to name their child after a brave, smart hero. Kylo is the name of an evil warlord who killed his own father in cold blood, which makes its appearance on this list slightly more confusing. Strange that more people would want to name their kids after a psychotic, cold-blooded killer than Poe Dameron, the coolest customer in the Resistance. Sorry, Oscar Isaac.
Since we’re only just over three months since The Force Awakens opened in theaters it’s highly possible that all these names will spike even higher as even more babies are born to parents who have just seen the movie. Let’s just hope Goos Toowers never catches on.
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