If any journalist deserves their own metal anthem, it’s Anderson Cooper. And Canadian metal band Cryptic Murmurs have given him just that.
In case all those photos of random strangers with leaf blowers pointed at their face we shared didn't satisfy your hankering for people with scary mouths, here's video of Anderson Cooper doing it on his show.
What with nearly being exploded by bombs and all, you might think Anderson Cooper is a little too busy with not dying to take trolls to task. But that is simply not the case. Cooper was reporting from Gaza City on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a subject which gets a lot of people up in arms. Unfortunately for those angry people, if your arms are merely Twitter insults directed Cooper, you're a
During the “Ridiculist” segment on Wednesday night’s ‘AC360,’ CNN’s Anderson Cooper delivered a silly, pun-laden soliloquy about French actor Gérard Depardieu urinating in the cabin of a plane.
About mid-way through, right after he delivered a line about how the cleaning crew “should thank their lucky stars this wasn’t Depard-two,” Cooper gets tickled at his own monologue — and that’s when it happ