
This Cockatoo Loves to Play Peekaboo [VIDEO]
This Cockatoo Loves to Play Peekaboo [VIDEO]
This Cockatoo Loves to Play Peekaboo [VIDEO]
This cockatoo is a trip! He likes to play peekaboo with his owner while riding in the car. He's pretty smart and seems to enjoy the game, until the unthinkable happens. This is why you never engage in a game of peekaboo with a cockatoo while in a moving vehicle!
This Owl Shows Us What Not Caring Really Looks Like [VIDEO]
This Owl Shows Us What Not Caring Really Looks Like [VIDEO]
This Owl Shows Us What Not Caring Really Looks Like [VIDEO]
I don't know what's more interesting. Seeing this owl out during daylight hours, or watching it being attacked and not doing anything about it. This owl truly doesn't care, it just sits there bored as smaller birds, maybe sparrows dive bomb it repeatedly.
Golfer Kills Seagull With Terrible Drive [VIDEO]
Golfer Kills Seagull With Terrible Drive [VIDEO]
Golfer Kills Seagull With Terrible Drive [VIDEO]
We've heard of the terms birdie and eagle when it comes to golf but never seagull, that is until now! This has to be one of the worst tee shot in the history of golf. This guy lines up and wacks the ball in a low line drive kind of way. The ball speeds right into a seagull who just happened to be in the wrong place and the wrong time.
Man Releases Pet Mouse into the Wild, Big Mistake! [VIDEO]
Man Releases Pet Mouse into the Wild, Big Mistake! [VIDEO]
Man Releases Pet Mouse into the Wild, Big Mistake! [VIDEO]
It's definitely not like Disney films! Nature can be a very cruel and unforgiving thing. In the tooth, claw and nail world of wildlife it's truly survival of the fittest! This guy found out the hard way when he released his pet mouse Whiskers into the forest. It was a glorious thing for all of about 30 seconds!
Cockatoo Really Doesn’t Like Going to the Vet [VIDEO]
Cockatoo Really Doesn’t Like Going to the Vet [VIDEO]
Cockatoo Really Doesn’t Like Going to the Vet [VIDEO]
This bird really doesn't want to go to the vet and is letting everyone know about it. Meet Max, he's a male Cockatoo and like most men hates going to the doctor. When his owner grabs his carrier, Max isn't stupid he knows he's about to head to the vet's office.
Poor Birds Land on the Wrong Power Line NSFW [VIDEO]
Poor Birds Land on the Wrong Power Line NSFW [VIDEO]
Poor Birds Land on the Wrong Power Line NSFW [VIDEO]
These poor birds landed on the wrong power line and a dash cam shows the explosive results! The reaction of the people in the car is almost as explosive. I was just talking about this with my daughter who wondered how birds can sit on power lines and not get electrocuted.
Oops...Clown Kills His Birdie!
Oops...Clown Kills His Birdie!
Oops...Clown Kills His Birdie!
Ever wonder why some people have an irrational fear of clowns? Well, this clown in Peru certainly isn't helping the matter! I guess this was suppose to be a magic show at some poor kid's Birthday party and it ended up being a birdie homicide! During one of the tricks this clown accidentally lit his bird on fire, oh' the humanity!

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