Choosing the 10 Best Super Bowl Commercials of 2014 was no easy task, but we have narrowed this year's library of amazing ads down to the best of the best.
I asked David who he was cheering for in the big game tomorrow, Denver or Seattle? He replied "Budweiser!" I laughed and agreed with him. We watch the Super Bowl for the ads. I guess that makes them worth $4 million dollars per 30 seconds.
I am one of those 56% of Americans that watch the Super Bowl for the ads. The ones I look forward to the most are the Budweiser Clydesdale ads. I am a sucker for a beautiful horse with a heart warming story. Last year it was the pain of separation between horse and trainer. This year Budweiser went all out and threw in a shelter dog that keeps getting out.
Just when you thought CarMax raised the bar of cuteness with their "Slow Bark" commercial, Budweiser's Super Bowl 2014 commercial went and melted our hearts.
Like they typically do, Budweiser will be featuring their famous Clydesdales in one of their 2013 Super Bowl commercials. We're still not quite sure what they signify. (Budweiser: so good even a giant horse will drink it?)