Dallas, Texas Zoo Animals Not the Biggest Fans of the Solar EclipseDallas, Texas Zoo Animals Not the Biggest Fans of the Solar EclipseTurns out animals get very confused when it gets dark outside. StrykerStryker
North Texas Animals Predict Super Bowl 58 Winners, Who Do They Got?North Texas Animals Predict Super Bowl 58 Winners, Who Do They Got?Well it's that time of the year where everyone is trying to figure out who is going to win the Super Bowl. Why not let the animals decide?StrykerStryker
The Dallas Zoo Is Selling It’s Animals Poop In Their Gift ShopThe Dallas Zoo Is Selling It’s Animals Poop In Their Gift ShopSome of the zoo’s animals produce a lot of solid waste. Rather than send all of that waste to the cities landfill, the zoo decided to cash in on the animals fecal matter.Sean AlanSean Alan