
Death Comes for a Pirate- Animated Short [VIDEO]
Death Comes for a Pirate- Animated Short [VIDEO]
Death Comes for a Pirate- Animated Short [VIDEO]
Death has a hard time taking a pirate to the afterlife and hilarity ensues! It's a great short film from Simpals featured on CGBros YouTube Channel. It's a mixture of standard and CGI 3D animation done beautifully. It's definitely worth a watch!
Could You Survive a Hot Car?
Could You Survive a Hot Car?
Could You Survive a Hot Car?
There have been far too many stories in the news this summer about parents leaving their kids in the car while they go in and shop. This is not okay! We all know that a quick trip in the store can end up being much more than that.
Chinese Death Soup: Eat and Die
Chinese Death Soup: Eat and Die
Chinese Death Soup: Eat and Die
Contrary to popular belief, even though eating spicy food may give you a wicked case of gut rot and the runs, there is absolutely no possible way for a little kung-pao anything to “burn a hole in your stomach.” That is, unless you eat a bowl of Chinese Death Soup.

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