For over 40 years, one thing the Elgin Public School system and its students could count on, was elementary music teacher Nelson Ottinger, known by all that knew and loved him as "Mr. O".
One of the biggest obstacles people face when thinking about going to college is the cost. President Obama is getting ready for his State of the Union speech on January 20th with a major spoiler - he wants to make community college free for two years...
There are many who will begin their first day of college in August, many will be away from their families having to get used to a new lifestyle and new surroundings all on their own.
The weather might be more ice cream trucks and long days at the pool, but the calendar is inching towards yellow buses and new backpacks. Every parent knows about back-to-school clothes and back-to-school supplies, but nowadays, back-to-school apps are just as important.
Students in the medical field often have to take a lot of time to complete school in their respective fields.
Oklahoma City University (OCU) is bringing their nursing program to Lawton. This program, according to Denise Burton, Chair of RN to BSN Education of the Kramer School of Nursing at OCU, will allow students to complete their RN two semesters...
If there's one thing you can say about politics, it certainly brings out the best in people.
As you can see in the above video, a political "debate" went awry when a University of Oregon Professor physically pushed two students subsequent to making "racists remarks" towards them...