Hard to believe in a few short weeks it'll be Halloween! Fall is officially here and the temperatures are getting cooler, soon we'll be celebrating "All Hallows' Eve." For me Halloween ranks right up there with Christmas. The decorations, candy, costumes, parties and of course horror films!
The first season of Starz’s Ash Vs. Evil Dead wonderfully picked up with the title character after decades of absence, and Season 2 will expand the history of our aging stockboy lothario even more. A new inside look at Season 2 takes Ash and co. back to his hometown of Elk Grove, picking up a bit of history left behind by the original Sam Raimi films.
The rich history of Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead informed a great deal of Starz sequel series Ash Vs. Evil Dead, though producers had earlier noted that rights issues prevented any formal reference to Ash’s medieval third adventure, Army of Darkness. Now, said legal red-tape appears to have been cut for Season 2, which itself will specifically reference the third film.
Hail to the king baby, Bruce Campbell returns with Ash Vs. The Evil Dead! The new show will premiere on the Starz channel Halloween night! I can't think of a better way to celebrate All Hallows Eve. It's gonna be a blood soaked thrill ride...I can't wait!
Hard to believe it's already October, Fall is on the way, the temperatures are getting cooler and before you know it Halloween will be here! For me Halloween ranks right up there with Christmas. The decorations, candy, costumes, parties and of course horror films!
So far, there have been four total Evil Dead movies: The Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, Army of Darkness and Evil Dead (2013). Every one of them has featured the same 1973 Oldsmobile Delta 88 (nicknamed “The Classic”), which is director Sam Raimi’s car from college. This is just one of the facts packed into the latest episode of You Think You Know Movies, which heads to a cabin in the woods with the Evil Dead series!
Year after year, the same-old 'Evil Dead' sequel and remake rumors get the chainsaw gears grinding from the likes of Bruce Campbell and Sam Raimi, but nothing groovy ever comes of it. Well hail to the king, baby, as the 'Evil Dead' franchise is alive and well on Starz, with Campbell to headline a new 'Ash Vs. Evil Dead' series in 2015, and Sam Raimi returning to direct!
Sam Raimi was on hand at Comic-Con 2014 today for the Screen Gems panel, where he discussed his involvement in the upcoming adaptation of the 'Last of Us' video game. But that's not all he discussed: seems like Raimi isn't quite done with 'Evil Dead,' the film franchise that kickstarted his career. While we won't be seeing another Raimi-directed 'Evil Dead' film anytime soon, we will be seeing more 'Evil Dead' ... on the small screen.
If someone glanced at this weekend's box office, they could be forgiven for thinking they accidentally stepped into some kind of time portal. After all, films called 'Evil Dead' and 'Jurassic Park' were in the top five.