
Ten Funny Oklahoma Winter Weather Memes
Ten Funny Oklahoma Winter Weather Memes
Ten Funny Oklahoma Winter Weather Memes
Looks like Mother Nature is PMSing once again. It's been a crazy week weather-wise and it isn't over yet. At this point, I don't think anyone knows what's going to happen next. In the meantime here are 10 funny Oklahoma winter weather memes to help your mood.
Take a Stroll Down Memory Lane With This Lawton Facebook Group
Take a Stroll Down Memory Lane With This Lawton Facebook Group
Take a Stroll Down Memory Lane With This Lawton Facebook Group
Take a stroll down memory lane with this local Facebook group that highlights the history of Lawton, Fort Sill. It features all kinds of history and old photos that show L-Town from back in the day. That along with topics of interest, funny memes, and great conversation. You'll find a little bit of everything!
The Best Lawton, Ft. Sill Facebook Pages and Groups You Should Join, Follow & Be a Part of
The Best Lawton, Ft. Sill Facebook Pages and Groups You Should Join, Follow & Be a Part of
The Best Lawton, Ft. Sill Facebook Pages and Groups You Should Join, Follow & Be a Part of
If you've just moved to Lawton, Fort Sill or if you've been here a while, maybe your entire life, and aren't aware of these Facebook groups and pages you should definitely check them out. All of them are focused on Lawton, Fort Sill and have great information, news, entertainment, and are worthy of hitting join, follow, and like.
New MacArthur High School Sign Causes Complaints and Controversy in Lawton!
New MacArthur High School Sign Causes Complaints and Controversy in Lawton!
New MacArthur High School Sign Causes Complaints and Controversy in Lawton!
A new digital billboard for a local high school is causing quite the controversy and heated debate online and elsewhere in Lawton, Fort Sill. I guess some people are either really bored or are so fulfilled in their day-to-day lives that this is all they can come up with to complain about. Of all the topics and craziness in the world, this, this right here, is what some people chose to get all worked up and upset about. People man, people!
Trump’s New Social Media Platform to be Launched Early 2022
Trump’s New Social Media Platform to be Launched Early 2022
Trump’s New Social Media Platform to be Launched Early 2022
It looks like we'll be getting a new social media platform sometime soon. I'm sure you've heard all the rumors and speculation over the past year or so about Donald Trump creating his own social media platform. Well, it's true and it'll be launching early next year. As you can imagine it's causing quite a bit of controversy.
Social Media Bans Are More About Opinion Than Misinformation
Social Media Bans Are More About Opinion Than Misinformation
Social Media Bans Are More About Opinion Than Misinformation
We all understand the need to police the online community and users of these platforms and agree there should be things you can and can't post or share. But, we've gone from a common sense approach to if there's a difference of opinion, ban.
Today is National Unfriend Day!
Today is National Unfriend Day!
Today is National Unfriend Day!
Happy National Unfriend Day! That's right today (11-17-20) is National Unfriend Day. A special day set aside each year where we browse our friends list on Facebook, Twitter and all the other social media platforms and thin the herd. So how and when did this, dare we say it, holiday start? It's beginnings can be traced back to the year 2010 when Jimmy Kimmel named November 17th as "National Unfriend Day."

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