
2012 Election Day Wrap-Up: Senate Races, Ballot Measures and Florida’s Tied Again
2012 Election Day Wrap-Up: Senate Races, Ballot Measures and Florida’s Tied Again
2012 Election Day Wrap-Up: Senate Races, Ballot Measures and Florida’s Tied Again
Do you see that one part of the map there in the lower-right corner that's not like the rest of the map? If you were of political age in 2000, this mostly red-and-blue map looks frighteningly familiar, but fear not: even though the phrase "Florida is still too close to call" may send shudders down many people's spines, this time around it won't matter much.
No Florida Team Appears in Top 25 for First Time Since 1982
No Florida Team Appears in Top 25 for First Time Since 1982
No Florida Team Appears in Top 25 for First Time Since 1982
Since the 1982 season ended, one of the constants in college football had been a seemingly perpetual dominance by the Florida schools. In the last 29 years, Florida, Florida State and Miami took up residence at the top of the college football polls and won nine national championships in that stretch. But that all came to an end this week when, for the first time since December 6, 1982, there were