Best Metal Album Openers of the '80s - RankedBest Metal Album Openers of the '80s - RankedLegendary songs!Joe DiVitaJoe DiVitaJordan BlumJordan Blum
Kerry King Names Three Big Metal Bands He’d Like to Play WithKerry King Names Three Big Metal Bands He’d Like to Play WithKing almost joined one of the three, while the other two he suggested would be hard to pass up if there was ever an opening.Chad ChildersChad Childers
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Bands That Haven't Released an Album in Five YearsBands That Haven't Released an Album in Five YearsThat's at least half a decade.Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner
Mercyful Fate Part Ways With Joey Vera, Issue StatementMercyful Fate Part Ways With Joey Vera, Issue StatementSee the band's update.Philip TrappPhilip Trapp
Big Albums Turning 40 in 2024Big Albums Turning 40 in 2024'Where's the beef?' Right here, as 1984 was stacked with great music.Chad ChildersChad Childers
Bands Releasing Comeback Albums in 2023Bands Releasing Comeback Albums in 2023It's a good year for a comeback!Philip TrappPhilip Trapp
Obituary’s Don Tardy – My 10 Favorite Albums When I Was a TeenagerObituary’s Don Tardy – My 10 Favorite Albums When I Was a TeenagerThe legendary death metal drummer takes us through the music of his youth.Loudwire NightsLoudwire Nights
See Captivating Photos From Mercyful Fate’s First North American Tour in 23 YearsSee Captivating Photos From Mercyful Fate’s First North American Tour in 23 YearsThey haven't played the city since October of 1999.Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner
King Diamond Details Horrific History Behind Castle Inspiration for New MusicKing Diamond Details Horrific History Behind Castle Inspiration for New Music'Absolutely gruesome stuff,' says King Diamond. 'And know that it was real was something.'LoudwireLoudwire
Joey Vera Sitting Out Mercyful Fate Tour, Replacement Bassist RevealedJoey Vera Sitting Out Mercyful Fate Tour, Replacement Bassist RevealedSee why he's exiting the run and who is filling in.Chad ChildersChad Childers