We spend a lot of time here at the office searching YouTube for funny, entertaining and on rare occasions educational videos. While most people get in trouble if they hit the web for anything unrelated to their job at work, we're actually encouraged to. I know, I know my job sucks!
You know that scene in 'My Cousin Vinny' when Vinny gets up to give his opening trial arguments and just points to the prosecutor and says "Everything that guy just said is bullsh*t," and then sits back down? That's how I really want to respond to Cosmopolitan Magazine's assertion that pornography is damaging relationships, but that's not very productive, is it? Let's talk this out, baby
Given the simplicity of signing up for an email account, most folks end up having multiple email addresses. Some are for business, others for friends and family, and it's a good idea to have one to use for offers that may result in a deluge of spam.
Then there is the most controversial kind of email address: one you keep secret from your spouse or partner.
4tnz / Thinkstock / Mike Sprague, AFP, Getty Images
Finally, everything you're looking for about Thanksgiving — from the stories behind the holiday to awesome costumes to dress up your pets — is all in one place. If you need to throw together a last-minute feast, wow dinner guests with facts about Thanksgiving or just watch a bunch of hysterical turkey attack videos, this is the guide for you.