10 Times Bands Released New Songs or Albums Featuring Late Members + Musicians10 Times Bands Released New Songs or Albums Featuring Late Members + MusiciansGone, but never forgotten.Selena FragassiSelena Fragassi
Static-X Announce ‘Project: Regeneration Vol. 2′ Album ft. Final Wayne Static Recordings, Debut Nine Inch Nails ‘Terrible Lie’ CoverStatic-X Announce ‘Project: Regeneration Vol. 2′ Album ft. Final Wayne Static Recordings, Debut Nine Inch Nails ‘Terrible Lie’ CoverYou can also hear their sweet cover of Nine Inch Nails' 'Terrible Lie.'Joe DiVitaJoe DiVita
Rob Zombie Rocks ‘Thunder Kiss ’65’ With Brother Spider One and Members of Powerman 5000 + Static-XRob Zombie Rocks ‘Thunder Kiss ’65’ With Brother Spider One and Members of Powerman 5000 + Static-XThe collaboration came about after some production issues affected the package tour.Chad ChildersChad Childers
Edsel Dope Admits He’s Zer0, But Not the One You ThinkEdsel Dope Admits He’s Zer0, But Not the One You ThinkHe finally lifted the veil.Joe DiVitaJoe DiVita
How 15 Nu-Metal Musicians Felt About Being Called ‘Nu-Metal’How 15 Nu-Metal Musicians Felt About Being Called ‘Nu-Metal’They should own it.Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner
Rob Zombie Announces Summer Tour With Mudvayne, Static-X + Powerman 5000Rob Zombie Announces Summer Tour With Mudvayne, Static-X + Powerman 5000What a lineup!Joe DiVitaJoe DiVita
10 Rock + Metal Tours From 2002 We Wish We Could See Now10 Rock + Metal Tours From 2002 We Wish We Could See NowStellar lineups at the start of the millennium.Jordan BlumJordan Blum
10 Most Iconic Hairstyles in Rock + Metal, Chosen by AJ Diaferio of We’re Wolves10 Most Iconic Hairstyles in Rock + Metal, Chosen by AJ Diaferio of We’re WolvesDo the 'do.LoudwireLoudwire
Static-X Reschedule Tour With Fear Factory, Dope, Mushroomhead + TwiztidStatic-X Reschedule Tour With Fear Factory, Dope, Mushroomhead + TwiztidStatic-X reschedule their tour dates with Fear Factory, Dope and Mushroomhead.Graham HartmannGraham Hartmann
Crafty Creator ‘Dead Ed’ Makes Amazingly Detailed Rock + Metal FigurinesCrafty Creator ‘Dead Ed’ Makes Amazingly Detailed Rock + Metal FigurinesOne-of-a-kind collectibles of Slipknot, Mudvayne, Behemoth and more.Philip TrappPhilip Trapp
The 40 Best Rock Albums of 2001The 40 Best Rock Albums of 2001Nu metal, pop-punk, garage rock, emo and plenty more.Chad ChildersChad Childers
Static-X’s Cover of Motley Crue’s ‘Looks That Kill’ Appears on StreamingStatic-X’s Cover of Motley Crue’s ‘Looks That Kill’ Appears on StreamingListen to that and watch Tommy Lee play the song with Static-X back in 2009.Joe DiVitaJoe DiVita