There have been far too many stories in the news this summer about parents leaving their kids in the car while they go in and shop. This is not okay! We all know that a quick trip in the store can end up being much more than that.
An ongoing investigation by the Food and Drug Administration has prompted Consumer Reports to urge parents not to use spray-on sunscreen on or near children.
In August, 2013 the Farmer's Almanac released its predictions for winter weather. Managing editor Sandi Duncan said at the time, "We don't use four-letter words but when it comes to this winter's weather the word is c-o-l-d. We're predicting two-thirds of the country will have below-average temperatures for the winter season, and in some areas the temperatures will be biting and piercing.&quo
"It's so hot outside." "Can't summer be over?" "UGH. So hot outside. Thanks, Obama." That's what you think you sound like right now. "Blahblahblah mememe moomoomoo" is what your constant summer griping actually sounds like to me.
Summer's right around the corner, and you know what that means—- beach time, baby! But if you’re not a shore lover, you should be. Why? It’s where awesome happens, AKA where insanely cool sand castles are born.
These awe-worthy sculptures are like another wonder of the world, because how the heck can a realistic 'Finding Nemo' scene be made out of sand...
Cherish it while you can -- the autumnal equinox is tomorrow, September 22nd. The first day of Autumn. It's okay to give up on your dream of getting a tan -- those days are gone. How do we feel? Here's how we feel --
Hard to believe that even with the temperatures as hot as they have been, that school bells will be ringing and the memories of the Summer of 11 will soon fade into a distant memory.
If people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, then what about people who live in sandcastles? After all, glass is just melted sand, right? Maybe they shouldn’t throw magma. Who knows?
The point is, it takes a special kind of sandcastle to inspire this line of questioning. The artistry, the scale and the craftsmanship all have to be second to none. You’re about to see 10 of these epic
From beach pails to water slides, you're never too old for a good summer toy.While prices may have gone up a little since you were a kid, so has the fun factor on these 10 great summer water toys.They're bigger. They're better. Some of th