Yearbook photos are an entertaining way to see musicians when they were young and, most likely, innocent. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, you can see yearbook photos of ex-Slipknot drummer Joey Jordison.

A Reddit user posted a series of photos of a young Jordison from their mother's yearbook. It doesn't specify his age or what grade he was in at the time, but they appear to be from sometime before high school. One photo shows him playing on a drum kit in what appears to be some sort of orchestra. And fittingly, he sported long hair in each of them.

"My mom described Joey as nice but he definitely tried to play up the coolness," the account wrote in the comments below the photos. "She said he’d walk around with his drumsticks in his back pocket and would usually greet you with a 'What’s up dude?'”

See the photos here.

Jordison was the drummer in Slipknot from its formation in 1995 until 2013. Three years later, he revealed that he had been suffering from a neurological disorder called transverse myelitis that affected his ability to play.

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