Youth Sports Are Signing Up Now Across Lawton – Fort Sill
I don't know about you, but it seems that growing up now is harder on kids than it was when we were kids. Things were simpler back in the days before online gaming and mobile devices eliminated the need to entertain ourselves. We had team sports.
While it was always fun to get twelve of us together in the biggest front yard on the block to pretend we were Elways Denver Broncos, the youth sports leagues taught us all more than how to play the game.
We learned how sweet it was to win, sure... but more importantly, we learned how to lose. That's a life lesson so many youths today miss out on. I know if my nephew takes a beating on Fortnite, he'll get mad, leave the game, and join a different lobby. He's 100% a rage-quitter and I'm curious how he'll deal with life losses later on because of it. His parents don't make him play sports because they don't want to interrupt their couch time. It's sad.
Luckily in Lawton, you have many choices when it comes to getting your kids out and about to learn how to be on a team, learn how to be a leader, and have a bunch of fun in the process.
Going into August, fall sports are on the menu. Most notably, but not limited to, youth football.
Lawton's Parks & Rec department has brought back youth and adult rec league sports again in 2022, they're currently signing up players for adult softball, youth volleyball, and both flag and tackle youth football... but Lawton P&R isn't your only league choice in this town.
The Oklahoma Bison have been slowly building up its organizational prowess. Born when the Lawton canceled youth sports during the pandemic, their biggest goal is to get kids onto the field of play while eliminating the costs a parent must pay to play.
Just like Lawton P&R, Oklahoma Bison offers flag and tackle football for kids aged 4-12, and while they play in the regular recreational leagues, learning fundamentals while emphasizing fun, if a particular team is competitive, the Bison will expand into a bigger league.
How is that possible? They do fundraisers to cover costs like registration fees, uniforms, helmets, etc... We had the pleasure of broadcasting with the Oklahoma Bison over the weekend at VFW Post 5263 for their first spaghetti dinner fundraising event. If you didn't make it out there, you'll have more opportunities to be part of it with more fundraising events coming up, including one tonight at Slim Chickens out on the west side.
If you wanted more information about the Oklahoma Bison organization, perhaps to sign your kid(s) up for youth football, baseball, basketball, or soccer, hop on their Facebook page for more.