As I Lay Dying’s Tim Lambesis Says Accidental Fire Didn’t Burn His ‘Man Parts’
As I Lay Dying vocalist Tim Lambesis has offered a handful of updates since an accidental fire last month scorched 25 percent of his body, hospitalizing the musician for several weeks. But in the latest message from Lambesis, he specifies that his genitals weren't affected by the blaze.
On Dec. 16, 2020, the As I Lay Dying frontman revealed on social media that he burned himself after attempting to "use a little from the trickle tip [of a gas can] to get a bonfire started." When the gas cap fell off entirely, it doused Lambesis with the liquid and caused his body to catch fire.
Since then, the singer's been hospitalized and has undergone surgery to address the wounds produced by the mishap. For those wondering, however, Lambesis' sex organs weren't burned in the fire.
See the musician's most recent video update down toward the bottom of this post.
"Hey everybody, I wanted to give a recovery update," Lambesis says in the selfie-style clip from Sunday (Jan. 3). "Today actually marks the first day in a little over three weeks that I've been out of bed for most of the day. And yesterday was actually the first day they changed my dressings without having to scrub my wounds. That's a huge relief because scrubbing my wounds is by far the most painful part of the recovery process."
He continues, "I'm very, very thankful my face did not get burned. And, for whatever reason — it's a very common question, so I should let you know — my man parts did not get burned. I did lose 20 pounds from being stuck in bed for three weeks. And I do have shakes, as you can kinda see, from my nerves reconnecting. It's not something I can control quite yet, but I will get it all back together. And I just am very, very thankful for everybody that wrote me."
As I Lay Dying released their seventh studio album, Shaped by Fire, in 2019. It was their first full-length effort in seven years following a hiatus that resulted from Lambesis' incarceration.
Indeed, the vocalist is perhaps known for his life outside of music as much as for his work with the metalcore band. In 2013, Lambesis was arrested for trying to hire a hitman to murder his estranged wife. He received six years in prison but was released on parole in 2016, later posting an apology to his family. The vocalist pursued a degree in social work and has been certified as an addiction treatment counselor and has spent time tutoring inmates and helping them train for job skills in the outside world.
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