Covid-19 Claims East Fort Sill FCU Location
If you're a member at Fort Sill Federal Credit Union, you probably have already received word that the CU branch on the East side has suddenly and unexpectedly been closed. The announcement was rather vague in the email and on the official website, but as it's listed in their Covid-19 Response section, you can put two and two together.
From the FSFCU website:
FSFCU’s East Branch location and Drive-Thru (at 2 NE 22nd Street, Lawton) is temporarily closed for the health and safety of our associates and members.
If you visit our West, South or Fort Sill branches, you will be required to wear a mask covering your nose and mouth as instructed by The City of Lawton and Fort Sill’s mandates. Rest assured that we are maintaining sanitizing and social distancing practices in all locations.
While I'm sure other local media will immediately blow this completely out of proportion using scary adjectives like "outbreak," odds are someone who works at this particular location either contracted the virus, or was exposed to it, and the temporary closure is the status quo until everyone has an all-clear.
While this is a bummer for anyone who banks there and lives on the East side, at least FSFCU leads the local industry in mobile technology as well as their multiple local branches. Luckily, those living on the East side won't have to travel way out West to grab cash. There are many FSFCU ATM's throughout town closer than the West branches. One located at 6th and Gore, and a location caddy-corner from Sam's/Walmart at Ferris & Sheridan.
For the record, I reached out for official word but couldn't get an answer. Regardless of what's happening, all of us at Townsquare hope everything turns out better than anticipated for everyone involved. #TownsquareCares
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