Gamer Nerd Gets Epic Revenge on Trash Talking Bully! NSFW [VIDEO]
WARNING: This video is NSFW and contains some strong language. So if vulgar vernacular offends or upsets you...Move along!
This guy gets some EPIC payback on his trash talking opponent! One of the best things about competitive gaming other than all the people you meet and good times you have while gaming, is all the trash talk! Sure at times it can go too far and people get heated. I've seen it all, from temper tantrums to full blown fights. Most of the time it's all in good fun and a certain amount to trash talk is expected. If you can say something to throw the other person off their game then it's more of a strategy, maybe not a respectable one, but effective none the less.
This is why gaming tournaments and even online gaming are so much fun. It's not just the game itself, it's all the meltdowns and trash talk. Well this guy, more like bully, learned a very, very important lesson. If you're going to talk trash you better be able to back it up with skills. The loud mouth in this video gets his butt handed to him by an a typical gaming nerd. But unlike a lot of the other mild mannered, soft spoken gamer geeks out there, this guy has some serious finishing moves when it comes to trash talking. having the last word usually helps. In the end the bully gets pwned and owned!