Happy Star Wars Day Lawton, Fort Sill!
Happy Star Wars Day Lawton, Fort SIll! Today is a very special day for Star Wars fans, geeks, Sci-Fi nerds, non-Star Trek watchers, those who still live with their moms, and all the unfortunate souls who've been afflicted with terminal everlasting virginity. It's Star Wars Day, May the fourth be with you!
Exactly how did this holiday get started? Because today May the fourth sounds a lot like "May The Force". That's how it all began, a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
I have to admit I'm a fan of Star Wars and have been since I was a kid. Luckily for me, I'm married, and admitting this openly won't necessarily affect my chances of getting laid, or will it?
Hit play on the original 1977 Star Wars Episode IV "A New Hope" trailer below.
Honey if you're reading this I'm not a Star Wars fan. Hell, I've never seen the films, not even once! That's a lie, actually, the wife and I are both HUGE FANS of Star Wars and enjoy watching not only the movies but all the other specials, shows, and min-series as well. If it has Star Wars in the title, we've seen it.
I have to say celebrating Star Wars day is a whole lot easier when you're a Disney + subscriber. They have all the films and most of, if not all of the other Star Wars specials, shows, and mini-series including "The Mandalorian" and "The Book of Boba Fett." Both are amazing if you've never seen them.
Tonight we'll be watching all our favorites in honor of Star Wars day and in my house everyone seems to agree that "The Empire Strikes Back" is the best Star Wars movie ever made. So what is your all-time favorite? Take the quick poll below and let's find out what the most popular Star Wars movie is in Lawton:
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