Lawton Census Week is Wrapping Up With a Census Celebration!
It's time to stand up and be counted. It's census week in Lawton, Fort Sill as we're nearing the end of the submission deadline for the 2020 U.S. Census. All week the City of Lawton and census workers have been teaming up to provide awareness and help to those who may not have filled out their census yet. Time's running out so you'll need to get it done ASAP. Plus you could win all kinds of FREE STUFF and COOL PRIZES!
You still have time to fill out your 2020 census and it's really important that you do. It only takes about 10 minutes at most and you can even do it online. Visit the official site at www.2020census.gov to complete your census questionnaire today. There's only nine questions total and it's super quick and easy to fill out.
If you're needing assistance the City of Lawton, census workers and volunteers are here to help you out. All week they've been set up at various locations around town to answer questions and assist you in filling out your census. Stop any of the locations listed above for help in filling out your 2020 census.
You'll also be entered into several drawings for great prizes including: grocery cards, gift cards, gas cards, gift baskets, a flat screen and more!
Census week with wrap up this Saturday, September 5th (09-05-20) with a big census celebration at the Owen Multipurpose Center 1405 S.W. 11th Street from 11:00am to 1:00pm. They'll be games a hotdog cookout and they'll be drawing for all the prizes. It's a great way to kick off the Labor Day weekend and have some fun.
It's really important that each person fills out their census. "The Census determines levels of funding received for more than 125 federal programs in our community each year. Some of these programs include student Pell grants, highway projects, nutritional programs, child welfare services, mental health services, domestic violence assistance, housing and adult care funds. Without an accurate count, the Lawton community may be well underfunded for the next 10 years."
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